Verano Lace Tee
Knit-A-Long • June 19th - July 16th
A perfect first time garment project

Want a simple to knit, lace top to wear this summer?

Then this is the event for you!

This isn't your normal mystery knit-a-long.

Here's what make ours different:
  • Get access to our private community The Yarnist Society
  • Video tutorials for each and every step
  • Join our LIVE online kick-off and wrap up events
  • Win chances at awesome prizes

Whether this is your first garment or you just want to join all the fun we'd love to have you knit-a-long with this amazing community of Fearless Knitters!
Sign Up for Just $20
Get a FREE 1 Year Yarnist Society Standard Membership
  • Total payment
  • 1xVerano Tee KAL$20

All prices in USD

  • Customer Info
  • Payment Details

Contact information

Billing address

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Completing payment with PayPal


Frequently Asked Questions
  • Do I have to attend live? What if I can't make it?
    No problem, all of the LIVE calls will be recorded so you can watch later.
  • What materials will I need for this KAL?
    You'll be sent a pattern and guide with yarn recommendations and everything else you'll need to participate.
  • Can I download the videos to watch offline?
    Not at this time. You must be connected to the Internet in order to stream the videos.
  • Do I have to be on camera during the LIVE calls?
    No, most people have their camera's off.

    But if you want help with something during the call it can be helpful to show what the problem is.

    There is also a chat where questions can be typed.
  • What if I mess up or get behind?
    No worries!

    The goal is to have a good time together. We take things in small bites but we understand that life happens.

    You will have access to the KAL videos indefinitely so you can finish up on your own time if you must.
  • Is there a pattern included?
    Yes we have a pattern with multiple sizes to fit almost anyone.